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- Residents: 95.617 aprox.
- Province: Cáceres
Get to know Cáceres
The city of Cáceres is located in the autonomous community of Extremadura and is considered the city with the most beautiful and admirable urban complex in the world.
Its historic center is one of the most complete, so it is not surprising that it is a World Heritage Site by Unesco.
Its historic center is one of the most complete, so it is not surprising that it is a World Heritage Site by Unesco.
Its historic center is one of the most complete, so it is not surprising that it is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
How to get there
The city of Cáceres is perfectly communicated, by road it is possible to arrive by the A-66 highway that communicates Seville with Gijón and by the A-58 that communicates Trujillo and Cáceres. It is also possible to arrive by secondary roads such as CC-11/N-630, CC-21/N-521, CC-38, EX-390, EX-206 and EX-100. The secondary roads mentioned above connect the city with the surrounding areas such as Casar de Cáceres, Torrejón el Rubio, Badajoz, etc.
The railroad station also has good railroad lines that communicate the city with Madrid, Lisbon, Barcelona or Seville. And by bus it is possible to reach the city from a variety of places because there are a large number of lines that connect with Madrid, Seville, Salamanca, Oviedo, etc.
History / Culture
What to see
Casa de los Solís o Casa del Sol
The House of the Sun or the Solis is a house known for its legend that tells that the title of “lineage” of the Solis family was achieved thanks to the fact that they managed to carry a message from the Queen from Caceres to Valladolid on horseback for only one day. This 16th century building has a great variety of decorative elements on its façade such as the Solís family coat of arms, the helmet, the round machicolation, the door with a semicircular arch and the alfiz that frames the ornamental ensemble.

Ermita de San Blas
The hermitage of San Blas is where the feast of San Blas takes place, which is celebrated on January 31 and is one of the most traditional and oldest pilgrimages of the city. The celebration consists of a traditional slaughter, a popular meal and different contests and musical performances. On this day, the young people gather around the hermitage with the campuza attire and also wearing the popular “watermelon” or “thousand colors” scarf.
.Telephone: 927 224 254

Casa del Mono
The Monkey house was so named because the former owner of the house, on returning from a long journey, brought a monkey with him and treated it as if it were one of his own: with its own room, toys, etc. The family was blessed with a baby, provoking jealousy in the monkey and causing the monkey to throw it out the window, causing its death.

Casa Museo Árabe Yusuf Al Burch
The Arab house-museum Yusuf al Burch is located in the monumental area of the city, specifically between the Plaza de San Jorge and the Arco del Cristo.
The house-museum Yusuf al Burch is located in the monumental area of the city, specifically between the Plaza de San Jorge and the Arco del Cristo.
It was founded by José de la Torre Gentil, a man very interested in history and Hispanic Arab art. Don Jose proceeded to restore this house, owned by his family with the aim of modernizing it. However, with the discovery of Roman and Arab remains, he decided to respect its primitive origin.

Centro de Interpretación de la Torre de Bujaco
The Bujaco Tower houses this Interpretation Center of the Three Cultures, a large space equipped with explanatory panels that allow visitors to learn more about the different historical periods as well as the most significant remains of the city of Cáceres.

Concatedral de Santa María
The co-cathedral of Santa Maria de Caceres is the most important temple of the city since it was granted the category of Co-cathedral in the second half of the twentieth century. Its origins date from the 15th to 16th centuries and it houses different architectural styles.

Convento de San Pablo
The convent of San Pablo dates from the fifteenth century still inhabited by the community of the Poor Clare nuns of the Franciscan Order. The Gothic style is denoted in the facade of its facade. In this convent are famous handmade sweets made by the nuns and are on sale there.

Ermita de la Paz
The chapel of La Paz was built in the eighteenth century and dedicated to San Benito, is baroque style and is covered by brick. At the entrance there is a portico composed of three semicircular arches supported on the corresponding ashlar pillars. The grille of the portico, dating from the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, stands out, in which the monogram of the name of Jesus Christ (IHS) appears. Its interior houses a baroque altarpiece with the Virgin holding the Child Jesus in her arms.
Open for worship. Mass on Sundays at 08:00
Sundays at 08:00

Foro de los Balbos
The Forum of the Balbos is also known by the name of Atrio del Corregidor, this is a small site located south of the Plaza Mayor of the city that is arranged adjacent to the wall of Caceres. More specifically, this tourist resource is located in the same space where the ancient gate of the Roman colony of Norba Caeserina used to be located.

Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia
The Church of the Sagrada Familia is located in the neighborhood of San Antonio-Nuevo Cáceres and has a rectangular floor plan, with a diagonal central axis. The temple has a simple appearance, although the use of white marble in the presbytery, the altar, the credence, etc.
The church has a simple appearance, although the use of white marble in the presbytery, the altar, the credence, etc. is striking.
In the chapel stands out a large transparent glass window that links, visually, the tabernacle with the perspective of the temple of the Virgin of the Mountain.
From October 1 to April 30 Weekdays at 20:00 Vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 11:30 and 12:30From May 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 20:30 Vespers at 20:30 Holidays at 12:30
Telephone: 927 238 683

Iglesia de San Eugenio
The Church of San Eugenio is located in Aldea Moret, a neighborhood of the city of Cáceres, and was designed by architect Emilio María Rodríguez. It has a Latin cross plan and a single nave, divided into three sections and has a transept with side chapels and two sacristies.

Iglesia de San Francisco Javier
The Church of San Francisco Javier is a set of buildings of the church and the college of the Society of Jesus, both built in the eighteenth century. It highlights the facade of the church that houses a round arch and a niche in which is the image of San Francisco Javier. On each side there is a tower that ends in the shape of a pyramid. With a single nave interior, it also has side chapels. The main altarpiece stands out for its Corinthian columns and in which an image of the “Miracle of the Crab” is represented.

Iglesia de San Mateo
The Church of San Mateo is a temple whose works began in the sixteenth century but were not completed until almost three centuries later. Of its set highlights the plateresque decoration of its cover as well as the altarpiece made of pine wood in 1766. The sacristy of the church is located inside the chapel of the Sande, which has a Gothic interior covered by a starry vault.
.Saturdays at 20:00Sundays at 12:00 and 20:00Only open when there is worship
.Telephone: 927 245 754

Iglesia de San Pedro Alcántara
The Church of San Pedro de Alcántara dates back to the 18th century and was built right on the place where, in another era, the birthplace of the saint, born in the city, was located. This saint was patron saint of Alcántara as well as founder of many other convents or confessor of Santa Teresa de Jesús.
1 October to 30 April Weekdays at 19:30 Vespers at 19:30 Holidays at 11:00 and 12:00 301 May to 30 September Weekdays at 20:30 Vespers at 20:30 Holidays at 11:00 and 12:30
Telephone: 927 220 548

Iglesia de Santiago
The Church of Santiago was built in Caleros, outside the walled enclosure. This church stands out for its Gothic style doorways with archivolts, framed by alfiz. The interior of the temple consists of a single nave, whose cover is arranged in ribbed vaults and has a large choir.
The main altarpiece of the sixteenth century, the work of Alonso de Berruguete. Also noteworthy are the images of Nuestra Señora de la Esclarecida, the Cristo de los Milagros and the Jesús Nazareno, dating from the 17th century.
From October 1 to April 30 Weekdays at 19:30 Vespers at 19:30 Holidays at 10:30 and 12:30From May 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 20:30 Vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 10:30 and 12:00
May 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 20:30 Vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 10:30 and 12:00
May 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 20:30 Vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 10:30 and 12:00.
Telephone: 927 249 677

Iglesia del Beato Marcelo Spinola
The Church of Blessed Marcellus Spinola was inaugurated in the summer of 2003, this is a temple that has a modern and innovative style. It is a chapel destined for ceremonies of scarce public that presents sacristy, oratory, choir, children’s rooms, four rooms for meetings and a large hall to celebrate various events, such as festivals of Christmas carols or video projections.
October 1 to April 30 Weekdays at 7:00 pm Vespers at 7:00 pm Holidays at 11:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7:00 pmMay 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 8:00 pm Vespers at 8:00 pm Holidays at 8:00 pm
May 1 to September 30 Weekdays at 8:00 pm Vespers at 8:00 pm
May 1 to April 30 Weekdays at 7:00 pm Vespers at 7:00 pm Holidays at 11:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm
Telephone: 927 232 345

Museo Municipal Ciudad de Cáceres
This municipal museum is located in the Monumental City, forming part of the walled enclosure that surrounds the Old City. The building can be accessed through two sites, one being the Plaza de Publio Hurtado and the other the Adarve de Santa Ana.

Palacio de Carvajal
The Carvajal palace dates from between the 15th and 16th centuries and is located on Amargura street. The palace combines Gothic and Renaissance architectural pieces and has a beautiful garden. From the main facade of the building, which is of granite masonry, stands out the front arranged in semicircular arch, with wide voussoirs. On it you can see the coat of arms of the Carvajal family, framed in an alfiz and a balcony forming the corner of the building in pointed arch.

Palacio de las Cigüeñas
The Palacio de las Cigüeñas, also called Palacio del Capitán Diego de Ovando, has a characteristic tower, as it is higher than the rest of the palaces in the city. This is because, at the time when Queen Isabella the Catholic decided to remove the top of all the towers in the city, she made an exception for this one since the builder was a member of her Royal Council.
.Phone number: 927 629 760

Palacio de los Golfines de Abajo
The Palace of the Golfines de Abajo is the largest building in the city as it occupies the space of twenty houses and that is why it houses in its structures different construction styles such as Gothic, Renaissance and Plateresque. On the main façade there is a twin window with a semicircular arch and a marble mullion with an Ionic capital on which rests the coat of arms of the Catholic Monarchs. Below the same window supports the coat of arms of the Golfines flanked by two angels and an aureus.
From May to September Tuesday to Saturday at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00 Sundays at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00 Monday closed except holidaysOctober to April Tuesday to Saturday at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 16:30, 17:30 and 18:30 Sundays at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00 Mondays closed except holidaysAll visits are guided
Web: www.palaciogolfinesdeabajo.comE-mail: info@palaciogolfinesdeabajo.comTeléfono: 927 218 051

Palacio del Comendador de Alcuéscar
The Palacio del Comendador de Alcuéscar also known as Palacio de Torreorgaz has a mixture of different architectural styles from the Gothic which can be seen in its doors, windows and the tower itself, to the facade of the eighteenth century.
The Palacio del Comendador de Alcuéscar also known as Torreorgaz Palace.

Palacio Episcopal
The Episcopal Palace is an elegant palace of the late sixteenth century rebuilt by order of Pedro García de Galarza. On its facade is a semicircular arched doorway flanked by two medallions with images of two American Indians. In addition to this, it has two side doors of which one of them comes from the old seminary of San Pedro.
Telephone: 927 255 800

Museo de Cáceres – Palacio de las Veletas y Casa de los Caballos
The palace of the Veletas and the Casa de los Caballos now houses the museum of Cáceres, where visitors can admire a collection ranging from Prehistory to the Visigothic period, a collection of ethnology, a Hispano-Arabic cistern and a collection of Fine Arts that contains other works from the Prado Museum.
The museum is located in the palace of the Veletas and the Casa de los Caballos.

Palacio Toledo
The Toledo-Moctezuma Palace is a large palace built between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, although it underwent numerous additions two centuries later. On the outside you can see its masonry, brick and granite ashlars, in addition to its domed roof. Inside, the main rooms stand out for their ornamentation with fresco paintings with scenes of different Roman emperors, busts of Mexican kings and even landscapes of European cities.
Telephone: 927 005 400

Plaza de San Jorge
The Plaza de San Jorge is located in the heart of the Monumental City and was built in the second half of the twentieth century. The statue of St. George, made by the artist Jesus Rodriguez Aranda dominates the entire square, as it is arranged right in the central part of it.
In the vicinity of the square, in the highest area, stand the temple of San Francisco Javier and the College of the Society of Jesus. Also worth visiting are the collections on display at the Mercedes Calles and Carlos Ballestero Foundation.

Torre de los Púlpitos
The Tower of the Pulpits was erected after the conquest of the city by the Kingdom of León. The monument is sixteen meters high and was built in ashlar stone, unlike the other towers of Arab origin, built in masonry. This action made the Tower of the Pulpits present an aesthetic aspect that differs from the common.
This tower, located in the Plaza Mayor, communicates, by means of an arch-bridge, with the Palace of Mayaralgo, which allowed the residents to see the events that took place in the Plaza Mayor.

Plaza de Toros
The bullring is one of the most ancient bullrings in Spain and was built in 1846. This bullring, of second category, has a maximum capacity to accommodate about 7000 fans and, in addition to hosting bullfighting events, it also hosts music concerts.
The bullring is one of the most ancient bullrings in Spain and was built in 1846.

Plaza Mayor
The Plaza Mayor of Cáceres has been and is par excellence the meeting place of its inhabitants since ancient times. This square, over time, has gone through different uses: in this place was held the fair, the market, as well as tournaments, the processions at Easter or military marches.
This space is presided over by the Town Hall building and in its vicinity are erected some important monuments, among which are the Tower of Grass, the Tower of the Pulpits and the Tower of Bujaco.
Arco de la Estrella
The Arco de la Estrella (Arch of the Star) dates back to the 18th century, the work of Manuel de Larra. This monument houses in its upper area the image of the Virgen de la Estrella, hence its name, and connects the Plaza Mayor with the Plaza de Santa Maria.
The Arch of the Star dates back to the 18th century, the work of Manuel de Larra.

Information of interest
Local police
927 255 769
Civil guard
927 242 750
Fire department
927 224 080
Civil protection
927 214 900
Town hall
927 255 765
Health center
927 213 730
Tourism office
927 247 172
C/Plaza de las Claras, s/n

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Festivals and Pilgrimages
Local festivity
23 de abril: Fiesta de San Jorge
Local festivity
Mayo: Festival de música WOMAD
Local festivity
Septiembre: Festival Cáceres Pop-Art
Local festivity
Septiembre: Festival Aldea de la Amex
Local festivity
El primer fin de semana de julio: Festival Oeste
Local festivity
Septiembre: Festival de Música Antigua Iberoamericana
Local festivity
Julio: Festival folclórico internacional de Pueblos del Mundo
Local festivity
Septiembre: Festival Cáceres, Irish Fleadh, música tradicional irlandesa y celta
Local festivity
Julio: Festival de música negra
Local festivity
Mayo: Feria de Mayo
Local festivity
1 de mayo: Romería de Santiago de Vencáliz
Local festivity
Febrero: Fiesta de las Candelas y de San Blas
Local festivity
El segundo domingo de mayo: Fiesta de Santa Lucía
Local festivity
Semana Santa: Semana Santa Cacereña
Local festivity
El primer domingo de mayo: Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Montaña
Local festivity
El domingo más cercano al 20 de enero: Romería de los Santos Mártires San Fabián y San Sebastián
The Silver Route
On foot
38 etapas