Santiago de
Compostela is considered the biggest village of the world, being at the same time one of the smallest cities. The people’s warmth, the landscaped corners, the historic center built stone by stone around the Cathedral… All of this turn this small city into something really big. Monte do Gozo is an indescribable feeling to every pilgrim that reaches Santiago through the French Way, as it is where they can see for the first time the Cathedral towers.

The main way to reach this town is through the motorway AP-9, that links A Coruña and Vigo, or through the AP-53, that links Ourense and Santiago. Also, the AG-56 that links Noia with Santiago and the A-54 that connects Lugo and the capital. Moreover, there are many secondary roads that allow you to reach Santiago from any Galician location.
Santiago has also train and bus stations, both well communicated with the main Galician and Spanish cities, as well as with other important locations. Likewise, there are other lines that connect with countries such as Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Romania and Portugal. This city has the most important airport in Galicia, linking Santiago with other national and international points.
- Local Police: 981 542 323 / 981 590 968
- Guardia Civil : 981 547 654 /981 581 611
- Firemen : 981 542 446
- Civil Protection : 981 543 105 / 981 573 162
- City Council : 981 542 300
- Health Center: 981 577 670 / 981 561 011
- Tourist offices:
- Rúa do Vilar, 63. Telephone: 981 555 129. Monday – Sunday: 9AM-9PM
- Rúa do Vilar, 30-32. Telephone: 902 332 010.
Parties and holidays
- Every July 25th it is celebrated the Apostle Santiago’s day, patron saint of Spain, Galicia and the town.
- But there are other celebrations for other patron saints of those oldest neighborhoods in the town.
- The Ascensión is one of them. It takes place on the sixth Thursday after Easter each year.

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