The first part of this stage is a walking up for 5 kilometers until getting to Porciles. Then the way continues through flat land and through small villages that have lots of services.
Recommendation Pilgrim
The first thing in today’s stage is the walking up to Porciles, you will walk through the forest. You should keep calm and enjoy the nature. Cyclists and people with reduced mobility could have many problems here.
Distance and elevation
Stage profile
Km 0 – Inicio
The first thing that you will do today is crossing the Nonaya river to get to the main avenue and then to the Plaza de la Campa square. Then you will get to the Palacio de Valdés Salas palace; it is a place from the 16 century and it used to be the home of the family of Fernando Valdés Salas, a famous religious politician that founded the University of Oviedo. Nowadays it houses many institutions. You will continue through the Calle Ondinas street till get to the Nonaya river, you will have to walk parallel to it and then you will have to cross it through two different bridges: Borra and Carcabón. A little bit after you will get to the N-634 then you will walk through a path that will lead you to Porciles. A partir de aquí el terreno se allana y nuestras piernas podrán descansar un poco tras tantas subidas. Once you get to Bodenaya you will cross the Iglesia de Santa María church and then turn right to get to the hostel.
Then you will have to cross the national road towards La Espina, a village deeply linked with the Way and where there used to be lots of pilgrim’s hospitals. You will get to a roundabout and you will have to go through the right. After a few minutes, you will get to La Pereda and you will see the Capilla del Santo Cristo de los Afligidos chapel. This temple belonged to a pilgrim’s hospital, it was abandoned for years, but in the nineties started the restoration. Then you will have to turn right and get to a neighborhood called Reconc, and then you will cross many small villages, all of them belong to La Pereda. After three kilometers you will get to the AS-216 in El Pedregal. You will leave the national road once you get to a stone cross, where you will have to turn right and then to the left through an asphalted road. There are approximately 4 kilometers to get to Santa Eulalia. Before getting to a cemetery you will have to turn right and go through a path that you should leave through the left towards the Ferroiro river. Then you will cross a village you will cross a football field and a hermitage in San Roque. You will walk through Paseo de los Frailes till get to a pilgrim statue, there you will have to turn left to get to the hostel. till get to a pilgrim statue, there you will have to turn left to get to the hostel.
Conoce los diferentes caminos, los puntos inicio y número de etapas, señalización, tipos de alojamiento, cómo preparar tu mochila y un montón de datos curiosos
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