Today’s stage is a little bit longer than 30 kilometers but you will cross some amazing villages such as Cucujães that is a must to see its monastery. You could decide to conclude in Arrifama, Lourosa or continue to get to Grijó that belongs to Vila Nova de Gaia.
Recommendation Pilgrim
You will cross some villages and you can turn away to get to more villages to find services. In Grijó you won’t find any hostel nor other kinds of accommodation, so you will have to get to Vila Nova de Gaia or maybe stop before to find a place where you can stay the night. This is an easy stage for everyone.
Distance and elevation
Stage profile
Km 0 – Inicio
If you leave Oliveira from its church you will have to turn left through the Rua Carqueja and Rua da Industria streets. Then, you will have to cross a bridge and continue towards Cucujães, crossing Ponte do Salgueiro where you will have to turn right. It is a lovely region, here you will find lots of villages and cultures. A little bit after the bridge you will cross a monastery called São Martinho do Couto de Cucujães that belongs to the Order of Saint Benedict. A little bit after you will leave the asphalted road to get to O Couto and descend to another medieval bridge and get to Faria da Cima. Once you get there you will have to turn left through Largo sa Senhora dos Milagres and through Avenida Doutor Renato Araujo avenue to turn right after the second roundabout. You will continue through Rua Padre António Maria Pinho street crossing the Igreja de São João da Madeira church that was built in the 19 century devoted to São João Baptista.
Este templo destaca por la sobriedad de sus líneas exteriores. After a stop here you will continue to the left towards Largo Luis Ribeiro where you have to go towards Rua Oliveira Junior street and then through Fundição. You will have to walk through Rua Váeza street towards Arrifana and crossing the Capela da Senhora do O chapel. After some paths and some streets, you will get to Infensas where you should turn right to get to a housing development. This way will lead you a little bit after to the road IC2, you will have to continue to Malaposta.
Now, you will continue through the old Roman road through Airas, Carlvalhosa, Monte Grande and Lourosa where you will enter again in the national road to Ordem. Once you have crossed all this village you will have to turn left crossing very carefully the road to get to Ermil and after a few meters you will get to Goda. Grijó is located just 5 kilometers from here you just have to go through Loureiro de Baixa and Santa Rita.
At the end, you will get to Grijó that belongs to Vila Nova de Gaia. You can’t leave this village without visiting its wonderful Mosteiro de São Salvador monastery also known as Mosteiro de Grijó monastery; it is from the 10 century and belongs to Santo Agostinho order. It has one of the oldest catafalque in Portugal where Rodrigo Sanches of Portugal is buried.
Conoce los diferentes caminos, los puntos inicio y número de etapas, señalización, tipos de alojamiento, cómo preparar tu mochila y un montón de datos curiosos
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