Caldas de Reis
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Caldas de Reis
- Residents: 9.895 aprox.
- Province: Pontevedra
Get to know Caldas de Reis
Caldas de Reis is the opposite of what the pilgrim has just left. It is a purely rural area where we will find some Romanesque buildings of important historical and cultural value. There are many indications that the village was an obligatory stop for many pilgrims, as recorded in many documents and writings from medieval times.
It also has one of the most important thermal spas in Galicia, where the hot water that springs from the earth boasts healing properties, both for the body and mind.
How to get there
Caldas de Reis, despite being a small town, is very well connected. It can be reached from the road linking Santiago and Vigo, the N-550, as well as by the N-640, which connects Vilagarcía and Lalín. In addition, the AP-9 freeway also has an exit in Caldas.
There is no train station but there are several regular bus lines that connect the town with Pontevedra, A Estrada, Vilagarcía, Vigo, Redondela, Santiago and A Coruña.
History / Culture
What to see
The locality has waters with highly curative properties, which belong to the group of hyperthermal waters. They are very suitable for treating respiratory tract disorders, rheumatism, skin problems and gynecological and surgical conditions.
The public spring of Las Burgas is suitable for hydropinic, a treatment characterized by ingesting water orally, often for therapeutic purposes.
<pIt should be noted that the thermal village is home to two spas, the Acuña Spa, which is located in a building typical of the Galician style of the twentieth century, and the Dávila Spa, which has a wonderful reedbed populated with bamboo canes very unique.

Iglesia Santo Tomás Becket
This church built at the end of the 19th century is the only one that venerates St. Thomas Becket in the entire Galician community. This English saint became a martyr when he was murdered in his own cathedral, at the hands of the subjects of King Henry II. For its construction were used remains of stones from the old tower of Doña Urraca.
From 1 October to 30 June Weekdays and eves at 19:00 Holidays at 12:30 and 19:00From 1 July to 30 September Weekdays and eves at 20:00 Holidays at 12:30 and 20:00
From 1 July to 30 September Weekdays and vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 12:30 and 20:00
Telephone: 986 540 038

Puente Segade
The Segade Bridge built by a single arch presents a Roman style of the first century. Through it ran the road that, in another era, communicated Tui with Caldas. In 1729 this bridge underwent a thorough reconstruction thanks to the local priest. That date is inscribed on the cross, located at the foot of the bridge at the time of its remodeling but was later moved to the church of San Andrés.

Puente Bermaña
The Bermaña Bridge was built in the first century, is of Roman origin and is located on the route of the Jacobean route so that all pilgrims who make the Portuguese Way pass through it.
This bridge, composed of three semicircular arches, was formerly part of an old militia path from Roman times. Its construction, made of ashlar, presents in its central part a railing and a crossing dating from the seventeenth century.

Parque Jardín Botánico y Carballeira
The Botanical Garden of Caldas de Reis enjoys a great importance since the sixties for which it was cataloged Picturesque Site and Historical Garden. In turn, both the Carballeira and the Park enjoy the distinction of Cultural Interest Property (BIC) and are a meeting place to celebrate events every year, such as the patron saint festivals or the music festival Cultura Quente and Kaldarte.

La Fuente de las Burgas
The Fuente de las Burgas was built in 1881 with a neoclassical style ornamentation, which stands out for its mineral-medicinal properties. It is a cano fountain formed by two conduits decorated with the head of a lion, which are located at the exit of the spring with a lower level to achieve a higher pressure.

Iglesia de Santo André de César
The church of Santo André de César is a temple of Romanesque origin, later restored so that currently presents baroque style, being the apse of the temple the only architectural element that remains of the primitive Romanesque style.
It is a semi-dambor apse built in ashlar and supported by four columns with headers where there are historiated corbels.

Iglesia de Santa María de Bemil
The church of Santa María de Bemil is a temple of Romanesque origin, from which period only the rose window on the western façade, a branch of the south wall and the apse can still be seen today.
The walls of the same, later built, retain the Romanesque corbels. It should be noted that the bell tower was built in the Baroque period.

Iglesia de Santa María
The church of Santa Maria is a temple of Romanesque origin that underwent many alterations and extensions. The most outstanding features of this church are its two doorways, the most striking of which consists of two semicircular archivolts and a tympanum, supported by two double columns. In this tympanum we can appreciate the relief of a lamb, holding with one of its legs the Agnus Dei, very common in Galician Romanesque churches. Regarding the western door of the church, it is protected by a modern portico which, in turn, supports the baroque bell tower.
From September 1 to June 30 Monday, Wednesday and vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 09:30 and 11:30From July 1 to August 31 Monday, Wednesday and vespers at 21:00 Holidays at 09:30 and 11:30
Monday, Wednesday and vespers at 21:00 Holidays at 09:30 and 11:30
Monday, Wednesday and vespers at 20:00 Holidays at 09:30 and 11:30.

Iglesia de San Estevo de Saiar
The church of San Estevo de Saiar is of Romanesque origin, although it has undergone several remodeling works. From the Romanesque period only the structure of the nave and its two doorways are preserved, one of them is ornamented and has a lowered tympanum and two double columns on both sides as a support, which are crowned with capitals with plant motifs. However, the other doorway is simpler, with a single archivolt set on two columns.

Cascada y Paseo de Segade
The Segade promenade and its waterfall, worthy of admiration, is located next to the road leading to the town of Cuntis. In its vicinity were discovered vestiges belonging to an old electrical construction, called “Fábrica de la Luz”.
The walk runs through an attractive natural environment, in which the Umia river is the main protagonist.
The walk runs through an attractive natural environment, in which the Umia river is the main protagonist.

Information of interest
Local police
609 829 292
Civil guard
986 540 008
Fire department
Civil protection
609 556 549
Town hall
986 540 110
Health center
986 540 112
Tourism office
986 54 00 02
Paseo de Román López s/n

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Festivals and Pilgrimages
Local festivity
23 y 24 de Junio: San Juan
Local festivity
Junio: Corpus
Local festivity
15 al 18 agosto: Fiesta de San Roque
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Abril: Fiesta gastronómica dedicada al roscón
Portuguese Way
On foot
25 stages