From Santiago to Fisterra staying in hotels and country cottages

375 €

You will walk the distance between Santiago and Fisterra staying in the best hotels and guesthouses located in this stage. You will enjoy a singular experience living the history, the culture and the beauty of this millennial route from close.

Way to Fisterra on foot
Distance 85 km
Accommodation Hotels / Guesthouses
Stay 5 days/ 4 nights
Price per person Per person / double room
Available dates Free choice
Dead Line Indefinite

Route for Pilgrims

Day 1: Arriving in Santiago de Compostela and Accommodation

Many pilgrims opt to keep on walking after arriving in Santiago de Compostela. In case you only want to walk the stage to Fisterra, you have the option to arrive in Santiago by your own or let us arrange your transport from any airport or station you are in. Once in Santiago and if you made it with time, you could visit some interest point To name a few: The Cathedral, The Obradoiro Sq or even the Old District. In addition, you could enjoy the local gastronomy, what is certainty a must do when visiting Galicia and Santiago in particular.

Day 2: Santiago de Compostela – Negreira Stage

21,3 km

You will wake up in your accommodation in Santiago, breakfast included, so you could start the day with stamina. Our destiny today is Negreira. In this walking of 21 km you will cross dozen of charming villages and valleys crowded with pines and eucalyptus. In addition you will cross a roman bridge over Tambre River that will directly guide you to Negreira

Once in Negreira and if you made it with time, you could visit some relevant points such as the mansions scattered around this village or some examples of the local architecture like the Pilgrim and Emigrant monument.

Day 3: Negreira – Olveiroa Stage

33,2 km

Say hello to a new day from your accommodation in Negreira to start the day with a breakfast to boost your stamina do you could start your way towards Oliveiroa. You soon realize this is one of the most beautiful stages in This Way to Fisterra; thick forests full of oaks, beech trees and chestnuts will help you to disconnect from the pavement roads and dirty air of the cities. Centenary crosses and typical local raised granaries will guide you from the valleys watered by Xallas River and the Fervenza Reservoir.

Once at Oliveiroa, you could visit some relevant points like the reservoir you’ll reach crossing the local bridge or some pieces of the Galicia ethnography called “horreos” (high raised granaries). There ones are particularly the biggest and best well-preserved in A Coruña province.

Day 4: Olveiroa – Fisterra Stage

30 km

Let’s start the day with energy after waking up in your Oliveiroa accommodation and having a full breakfast. Now it is time to start this stage towards Fisterra. You will reach step by step the popular Costa da Morte (Death Coast) and the legendary Cape of Fisterra known by the romans as the westernmost spot in the World. But before arriving in Fisterra you will have to walk small villages to take a diversion in Hospital town. You will also pass by Cee and eventually the seaside village of Corcubión, considered Historical and Artistical site. Just 15 km separates us to the center of Fisterra’s village.

Day 5: Fisterra / Finisterre

Bed and Breakfast Day off to visit Fisterra monuments besides the lighthouse of this village known as “The End of The World”.

After breakfast our services will be finished.

Information of interest

General Terms and Conditions

The contractual relationship between the Organizing Agency and the client is governed by the present general conditions and by the technical data sheet of the trip which details its definitive content. The client has the obligation to check the documentation received from the Organizing Agency, and any questions must be notified before the start of the trip.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We solve the most frequent doubts among our pilgrims.

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15 Popular meals in Galicia.

In case you want to take advantage of your way, to enjoy the local festivals, we will give you the scoop.

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We will do everything we can, to make Your Way as comfortable as possible.

Services Included

4 nights of stay
4 breakfasts
Documentation: maps and useful information
Backpack transfer (1 package – max. 15 kg.)
Telephone assistance service 24 hours
VAT included

Optional services

Single room supplement: 150€
Pilgrim Cancellation Coverage: from 15 €/ person for residents – Non-residents: from 30 €/person
Private transfer Fisterra – Santiago: 140€
Private transfer Airport – Santiago: 35€ (máx. 4 pax)

Make your booking with us

We will contact you back from Monday to Thursday 09:00 am – 06:30 pm and Friday 09:00 am – 03:00 pm


Make your reservation in our website

By e-mail

By telephone

+34 912 913 756
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