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- Residents: 8.011 aprox.
- Province: A Coruña
Get to know Pontedeume
The municipality of Pontedeume is the perfect conjunction of coastal area and mountain area, so it forms a landscape set price that gives it a great tourist attraction and causes it to be almost obligatory stop for all visitors to Galicia.
Do not leave the municipality without visiting “As Fragas do Eume”, is one of the most important natural parks and was declared a Site of Community Importance.
How to get there
The easiest way to get to Pontedeume is by the AP-9 highway that connects with A Coruña and Vigo, another option is the national road N-651 that links to Betanzos.
By public transport it is also possible to get there, there are two daily bus lines that connect the town with A Coruña and Ferrol and from the city of A Coruña you can link to most places.
In Pontedeume only stops a railway line, which makes the route A Coruña-Madrid, so it is connected directly with the capital of Spain.
History / Culture
What to see
Torreón de los Andrade
It is the only thing that remains standing of the palace of the Andrade family, which is believed to have been built by order of Fernán Pérez de Andrade at the end of the 14th century.

Puente de Piedra
This bridge that crosses the waters of the river Eume is the one that gives its name to the town. Currently, after undergoing several renovations between 1860 and 1890, its main structure over fifteen arches. Its foundations were built on a Gothic bridge built in 1380 of 850 meters long and 68 arches, this being one of the longest in Europe and retaining only the images of the Bear and the Boar, relocated on a road in the village. In this original bridge existed between the arches 20 and 22 a chapel and a hospital for pilgrims and pilgrims.

Plaza del Pan
This square owes its name to the fact that in its beginnings it was an alfolí, cereal warehouse, becoming the current Plaza del Pan in 1840.
It underwent a remodeling in 1984 by mandate of José Días Fuentes, who is also the author of the characteristic statue located in the square: “the woman who kneads the bread”.

Palacio del Arzobispado
This beautiful palace was built by order of Archbishop Bartolomé Rajoy in the 18th century. The main facade has the typical characteristics of the Compostela school, coexisting in some points with other more classicist styles of French influence. It consists of two balconied floors where the archbishop’s coat of arms is located.

Muralla de la Villa
In the past there was a wall that protected the town, extending along the entire riverside area. It had nine towers and five gates, reaching our days only a part of the base of the wall of the year 1619 and surrounding the atrium of the temple of Santiago.

Monasterio de San Juan de Caaveiro
This impressive monastery was declared a historical monument of provincial interest in 1975.
Its origins date back to the year 934 and its function was to accommodate the anchorites of the area. Over the years, thanks to successive donations, the heritage of the monastery is increasing, receiving most of the existing arable land of the river Eume.
Iglesia de Santiago
This temple dedicated to Santiago from the early sixteenth century was built by order of Don Fernando de Andrade. Inside we will find the image of a seated apostle Santiago from the late fourteenth century and next to him a Renaissance altarpiece from 1530, enlarged and gilded in 1564 by the descendants of Don Fernando de Andrade.

Iglesia de las Virtudes
It is one of the oldest temples of the whole town, specifically it was built by order of Nuno Freire de Andrade in 1378. From this period only a tympanum decorated with the image of the Virgin and an ashlar with the coat of arms of the Andrade family are preserved.

Fragas del Eume
This natural park bathed by the waters of the river Eume is one of the most complete and best preserved of the entire European continent. It is mainly composed of deciduous Atlantic forest, native and coastal, encompassing up to a total of about 500 species of trees, shrubs, ferns, lichens and fungi, both local and foreign that make the forest is spectacular in all its aspects.

Convento de San Agustín
Located outside the walls of the town, it was built by order of Fernando de Andrade in 1538 and was originally called Santa Maria de la Gracia. It was closed in the year 1835 on the occasion of the disentailment laws, being transformed into a school and barracks.

Castillo de los Andrade
Built by order of Fernán Pérez de Andrade between 1369 and 1377, this fortification had from its beginnings a clear defensive character, since due to its reduced dimensions, the Andrade family preferred to move their place of residence to the Palace of the town. It was only used in case of imminent threat.

Capilla de San Miguel de Breamo
This beautiful Romanesque chapel from the late 12th century enjoys spectacular views of the estuaries of Ares, Betanzos and Sada. This chapel is the only element that remains standing from the old monastic complex of the Clérigos de San Agustín, which collapsed in the 17th century.
The chapel is the only element that remains standing from the old monastic complex of the Clérigos de San Agustín, which collapsed in the 17th century.

Information of interest
Local police
981 433 690
Civil guard
981 430 031
Fire department
Civil protection
981 434 646
Town hall
981 433 054
Health center
981 433 915 / 981 430 999
Tourism office
981 430 270 / 607 562 696
Torre de Andrade

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Festivals and Pilgrimages
Local festivity
15 y 16 de julio: Fiestas del Carmen
Local festivity
7 al 11 de septiembre: Fiesta de “As Peras”
Local festivity
Del 9 al 11 de julio: Fiestas de San Cristóbal
Local festivity
La primera semana de Julio: Feria Medieval